Manipulating XML Output with Perl
Generic XML parsers are available for all popular programming languages, often for free. Examples are the libxml C library and the Apache Xerces parser for Java and C++ (with Perl and COM bindings). While these parsers are sufficient for handling Nmap XML output, developers have created custom modules for several languages which can make the task of interoperating with Nmap XML even easier.
The language with the best custom Nmap XML support is Perl. Max Schubert (affectionately known as Perldork) has created a module named Nmap::Scanner while Anthony Persaud created Nmap::Parser. These two modules have many similarities: they can execute Nmap themselves or read from an output file, are well documented, come with numerous example scripts, are part of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), and are popular with users. They each offer both a callback based parser for interpreting data as Nmap runs as well as an all-at-once parser for obtaining a fully parsed document once Nmap finishes executing. Their APIs are a bit different—Nmap::Scanner relies on type-safe classes while Nmap::Parser relies on lighter-weight native Perl arrays. I recommend looking at each to decide which best meets your needs and preferences.
Example 13.11 is a simple demonstration of Nmap::Parser. It comes from the module's documentation (which contains many other examples as well). It performs a quick scan, then prints overall scan statistics as well as information on each available target host. Notice how readable it is compared to scripts using other Nmap output formats that are dominated by parsing logic and regular expressions. Even people with poor Perl skills could use this as a starting point to create simple programs to automate their Nmap scanning needs.
use Nmap::Parser; #PARSING my $np = new Nmap::Parser; $nmap_exe = '/usr/bin/nmap'; $np->parsescan($nmap_exe,'-sT -p1-1023', @ips); #or $np->parsefile('nmap_output.xml'); #using filenames #GETTING SCAN INFORMATION print "Scan Information:\n"; $si = $np->get_scaninfo(); #get scan information by calling methods print 'Number of services scanned: '.$si->num_of_services()."\n", 'Start Time: '.$si->start_time()."\n", 'Scan Types: ',(join ' ',$si->scan_types())."\n"; #GETTING HOST INFORMATION print "Hosts scanned:\n"; for my $host_obj ($np->get_host_objects()){ print 'Hostname : '.$host_obj->hostname()."\n", 'Address : '.$host_obj->ipv4_addr()."\n", 'OS match : '.$host_obj->os_match()."\n", 'Open Ports: '.(join ',',$host_obj->tcp_ports('open'))."\n"; #... you get the idea... } #frees memory--helpful when dealing with memory intensive scripts $np->clean();
For comparison, Example 13.12
is a sample Perl script using Nmap::Scanner, copied from its documentation.
This one uses an event-driven callback approach, registering the
functions scan_started
to print real-time alerts
when a host is found up and when each open port is discovered on the
my $scanner = new Nmap::Scanner; $scanner->register_scan_started_event(\&scan_started); $scanner->register_port_found_event(\&port_found); $scanner->scan('-sS -p 1-1024 -O --max-rtt-timeout 200ms'); sub scan_started { my $self = shift; my $host = shift; my $hostname = $host->name(); my $addresses = join(', ', map {$_->address()} $host->addresses()); my $status = $host->status(); print "$hostname ($addresses) is $status\n"; } sub port_found { my $self = shift; my $host = shift; my $port = shift; my $name = $host->name(); my $addresses = join(', ', map {$_->addr()} $host->addresses()); print "On host $name ($addresses), found ", $port->state()," port ", join('/',$port->protocol(),$port->portid()),"\n"; }