Library tns
TNS Library supporting a very limited subset of Oracle operations
Summary ------- The library currently provides functionality to connect and authenticate to the Oracle database server. Some preliminary query support has been added, which only works against a few specific versions. The library has been tested against and known to work with Oracle 10g and 11g. Please check the matrix below for tested versions that are known to work.
Due to the lack of documentation the library is based mostly on guesswork with a lot of unknowns. Bug reports are therefore both welcome and important in order to further improve this library. In addition, knowing that the library works against versions not in the test matrix is valuable as well.
Overview -------- The library contains the following classes:
o Packet.* - The Packet classes contain specific packets and function to serialize them to strings that can be sent over the wire. Each class may also contain a function to parse the servers response.
o Comm - Implements a number of functions to handle communication
o Crypt - Implements encryption algorithms and functions to support authentication with Oracle 10G and Oracle 11G.
o Helper - A helper class that provides easy access to the rest of the library
Example ------- The following sample code illustrates how scripts can use the Helper class to interface the library:
tnshelper = tns.Helper:new(host, port) status, err = tnshelper:Connect() status, res = tnshelper:Login("sys", "change_on_install") status, err = tnshelper:Close()
Additional information ---------------------- The implementation is based on the following documentation and through analysis of packet dumps:
o Oracle 10g TNS AES-128 authentication details (Massimiliano Montoro) x o Oracle 11g TNS AES-192 authentication details (Massimiliano Montoro) x o Initial analysis of Oracle native authentication version 11g (László Tóth) x o Oracle native authentication version 9i and 10g (László Tóth) x
This implementation is tested and known to work against Oracle 10g and 11g on both Linux and Windows. For details regarding what versions where tested please consult the matrix below.
Copyright © Same as Nmap--See
Script Arguments
- tns.sid
specifies the Oracle instance to connect to
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- Close (self)
Ends the Oracle communication
- Connect (self)
Connects and performs protocol negotiation with the Oracle server
- Encrypt10g (self, user, pass, srv_sesskey_enc)
Performs the relevant encryption needed for the Oracle 10g response
- Encrypt11g (self, pass, srv_sesskey_enc, auth_vrfy_data)
Performs the relevant encryption needed for the Oracle 11g response
- exchTNSPacket (self, pkt)
Sends a TNS packet and receives (and handles) the response
- getCounter (self)
Gets the current counter value
- getCounter (self)
Gets the current counter value
- handleMarker (self)
Handles communication when a MARKER packet is received and retrieves the following error message
- HashPassword10g (self, username, password)
Creates an Oracle 10G password hash
- Login (self, user, password)
Authenticates to the database
- lsnrCtl (self, cmd)
Sends a command to the TNS lsnr It currently accepts and tries to send all commands received
- marshalKvp (key, value, flags)
Marshals a TNS key-value pair data structure
- marshalKvpComponent (value)
Marshals a key or value element from a TNS key-value pair data structure
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- Query (self, query)
Queries the database
- recv (self)
Read a TNS packet of the socket
- recvTNSPacket (self)
Receives a TNS packet and handles TNS-resends
- sendTNSPacket (self, pkt)
Attemts to send a TNS packet over the socket
- setCounter (self, counter)
Sets the current counter value This function is called from sendTNSPacket
- setCounter (self, counter)
Sets the current counter value This function is called from sendTNSPacket
- StealthLogin (self, user, password)
Steal auth data from database
- unmarshalKvp (data, pos)
Parses a TNS key-value pair data structure.
- unmarshalKvpComponent (data, pos)
Parses a key or value element from a TNS key-value pair data structure.
- __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - __tostring (self)
Serializes the packet into a string suitable to be sent to the DB server.
- self
Return value:
str string containing the serialized packet - Close (self)
Ends the Oracle communication
- self
- Connect (self)
Connects and performs protocol negotiation with the Oracle server
- self
Return values:
- true on success, false on failure
- err containing error message when status is false
- Encrypt10g (self, user, pass, srv_sesskey_enc)
Performs the relevant encryption needed for the Oracle 10g response
- self
- user
- containing the Oracle user name
- pass
- containing the Oracle user password
- srv_sesskey_enc
- containing the encrypted server session key as received from the PreAuth packet
Return values:
- cli_sesskey_enc the encrypted client session key
- auth_pass the encrypted Oracle password
- Encrypt11g (self, pass, srv_sesskey_enc, auth_vrfy_data)
Performs the relevant encryption needed for the Oracle 11g response
- self
- pass
- containing the Oracle user password
- srv_sesskey_enc
- containing the encrypted server session key as received from the PreAuth packet
- auth_vrfy_data
- containing the password salt as received from the PreAuth packet
Return values:
- cli_sesskey_enc the encrypted client session key
- auth_pass the encrypted Oracle password
- exchTNSPacket (self, pkt)
Sends a TNS packet and receives (and handles) the response
- self
- pkt
- containing the Packet.* to send to the server
Return values:
- status true on success, false on failure
- the parsed response as return from the respective parseResponse function or error message if status was false
- getCounter (self)
Gets the current counter value
- self
Return value:
counter number containing the current counter value - getCounter (self)
Gets the current counter value
- self
Return value:
counter number containing the current counter value - handleMarker (self)
Handles communication when a MARKER packet is received and retrieves the following error message
- self
Return values:
- false always to indicate that an error occurred
- msg containing the error message
- HashPassword10g (self, username, password)
Creates an Oracle 10G password hash
- self
- username
- containing the Oracle user name
- password
- containing the Oracle user password
Return value:
hash containing the Oracle hash - Login (self, user, password)
Authenticates to the database
- self
- user
- containing the Oracle user name
- password
- containing the Oracle user password
Return values:
- true on success, false on failure
- err containing error message when status is false
- lsnrCtl (self, cmd)
Sends a command to the TNS lsnr It currently accepts and tries to send all commands received
- self
- cmd
- string containing the command to send to the server
Return value:
data string containing the result received from the server - marshalKvp (key, value, flags)
Marshals a TNS key-value pair data structure
- key
- The key
- value
- The value
- flags
- The flags
Return value:
A binary packed string representing the KVP structure - marshalKvpComponent (value)
Marshals a key or value element from a TNS key-value pair data structure
- value
- The key or value
Return value:
A binary packed string representing the element - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - new (self, host, port, instance, socket)
Creates a new Helper instance
- self
- host
- table containing the host table as received by action
- port
- table containing the port table as received by action
- instance
- string containing the instance name
- socket
Return value:
o new instance of Helper - parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- self
- tns
- response as received from the
Return value:
result table containing:columns
- a column indexed table with the column namestypes
- a column indexed table with the data typesrows
- a table containing a row table for each row the row table is a column indexed table of column values. - parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- self
- tns
- response as received from the
Return value:
result table containing:columns
- a column indexed table with the column namestypes
- a column indexed table with the data typesrows
- a table containing a row table for each row the row table is a column indexed table of column values. - parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- self
- tns
- response as received from the
Return value:
result table containing:columns
- a column indexed table with the column namestypes
- a column indexed table with the data typesrows
- a table containing a row table for each row the row table is a column indexed table of column values. - parseResponse (self, tns)
Parses the Query response from the server
- self
- tns
- response as received from the
Return value:
result table containing:columns
- a column indexed table with the column namestypes
- a column indexed table with the data typesrows
- a table containing a row table for each row the row table is a column indexed table of column values. - Query (self, query)
Queries the database
- self
- query
- string containing the SQL query
Return values:
- true on success, false on failure
- result table containing fields
- err containing error message when status is false
- recv (self)
Read a TNS packet of the socket
- self
Return values:
- true on success, false on failure
- err string containing error message on failure
- recvTNSPacket (self)
Receives a TNS packet and handles TNS-resends
- self
Return values:
- status true on success, false on failure
- tns Packet.TNS containing the received packet or err on failure
- sendTNSPacket (self, pkt)
Attemts to send a TNS packet over the socket
- self
- pkt
- containing an instance of a Packet.*
Return values:
- Status (true or false).
- Error code (if status is false).
- setCounter (self, counter)
Sets the current counter value This function is called from sendTNSPacket
- self
- counter
- number containing the counter value to set
- setCounter (self, counter)
Sets the current counter value This function is called from sendTNSPacket
- self
- counter
- number containing the counter value to set
- StealthLogin (self, user, password)
Steal auth data from database
- self
- user
- containing the Oracle user name
- password
- containing the Oracle user password
Return values:
- true on success, false on failure
- err containing error message when status is false
- unmarshalKvp (data, pos)
Parses a TNS key-value pair data structure.
- data
- Packed string to parse
- pos
- Position in the string at which the KVP begins
Return value:
table containing the last position read, the key, the value, and the KVP flags - unmarshalKvpComponent (data, pos)
Parses a key or value element from a TNS key-value pair data structure.
- data
- Packed string to parse
- pos
- Position in the string at which the element begins
Return value:
table containing the last position read and the value parsed