Script nat-pmp-mapport
Script types:
discovery, safe
Script Summary
Maps a WAN port on the router to a local port on the client using the NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP). It supports the following operations:
- map - maps a new external port on the router to an internal port of the requesting IP
- unmap - unmaps a previously mapped port for the requesting IP
- unmapall - unmaps all previously mapped ports for the requesting IP
See also:
Script Arguments
- nat-pmp-mapport.op
operation, can be either map, unmap or unmap all o map allows you to map an external port to an internal port of the calling IP o unmap removes the external port mapping for the specified ports and protocol o unmapall removes all mappings for the specified protocol and calling IP
- nat-pmp-mapport.protocol
the protocol to map, can be either tcp or udp.
- nat-pmp-mapport.privport
the internal port of the calling IP to map requests to. This port will receive all requests coming in to the external port on the router.
- nat-pmp-mapport.pubport
the external port to map on the router. The specified port is treated as the requested port. If the port is available it will be allocated to the caller, otherwise the router will simply choose another port, create the mapping and return the resulting port.
- nat-pmp-mapport.lifetime
the lifetime of the mapping in seconds (default: 3600)
Example Usage
nmap -sU -p 5351 <ip> --script nat-pmp-mapport --script-args='op=map,pubport=8080,privport=8080,protocol=tcp' nmap -sU -p 5351 <ip> --script nat-pmp-mapport --script-args='op=unmap,pubport=8080,privport=8080,protocol=tcp' nmap -sU -p 5351 <ip> --script nat-pmp-mapport --script-args='op=unmapall,protocol=tcp'
Script Output
PORT STATE SERVICE 5351/udp open nat-pmp | nat-pmp-mapport: |_ Successfully mapped tcp ->
License: Same as Nmap--See