Script ssh-publickey-acceptance
Script types:
auth, intrusive
Script Summary
This script takes a table of paths to private keys, passphrases, and usernames and checks each pair to see if the target ssh server accepts them for publickey authentication. If no keys are given or the known-bad option is given, the script will check if a list of known static public keys are accepted for authentication.
Script Arguments
- knownbad
If specified, check if keys from publickeydb are accepted
- ssh.privatekeys
Table containing filenames of privatekeys to test
- publickeydb
Specifies alternative publickeydb
- ssh.usernames
Table containing usernames to check
- ssh.publickeys
Table containing filenames of publickkeys to test
- ssh.passphrases
Table containing passphrases for each private key
Example Usage
nmap -p 22 --script ssh-publickey-acceptance --script-args "ssh.usernames={'root', 'user'}, ssh.privatekeys={'./id_rsa1', './id_rsa2'}" <target>
nmap -p 22 --script ssh-publickey-acceptance --script-args 'ssh.usernames={"root", "user"}, publickeys={"./", "./"}' <target>
Script Output
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack | ssh-publickey-acceptance: | Accepted Public Keys: |_ Key ./id_rsa1 accepted for user root
License: Same as Nmap--See