Script nje-pass-brute
Script types:
intrusive, brute
Script Summary
z/OS JES Network Job Entry (NJE) 'I record' password brute forcer.
After successfully negotiating an OPEN connection request, NJE requires sending, what IBM calls, an 'I record'. This initialization record may sometimes require a password. This script, provided with a valid OHOST/RHOST for the NJE connection, brute forces the password.
Most systems only have one password, it is recommended to use the
script argument.
Script Arguments
- nje-pass-brute.sleep
NJE only allows one connection from a valid OHOST. The sleep value ensures only one connection is valid at a time. The default is 1 second.
- nje-pass-brute.rhost
The target NJE server RHOST value.
- nje-pass-brute.ohost
The target NJE server OHOST value.
- passdb, unpwdb.passlimit, unpwdb.timelimit, unpwdb.userlimit, userdb
See the documentation for the unpwdb library.
- creds.[service],
See the documentation for the creds library.
- brute.credfile, brute.delay, brute.emptypass, brute.firstonly, brute.guesses, brute.mode, brute.passonly, brute.retries, brute.start, brute.threads, brute.unique, brute.useraspass
See the documentation for the brute library.
Example Usage
nmap -sV --script=nje-pass-brute --script-args=ohost='POTATO',rhost='CACTUS' <target> nmap --script=nje-pass-brute --script-args=ohost='POTATO',rhost='CACTUS',sleep=5 -p 175 <target>
Script Output
PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 175/tcp open nje IBM Network Job Entry (JES) | nje-pass-brute: | NJE Password: | Password:A - Valid credentials |_ Statistics: Performed 8 guesses in 12 seconds, average tps: 0
License: Same as Nmap--See